Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goodbye, My Love

OMG this video is so touching! Thought it was quite sweet of the couple at first but cried at the last part of it. Wow when will such guy come into my life? :P (except for the dying part of course)

Stupid appetite starts strikes again, I barely ate any proper meal for today. I despise myself to a point of insanity. For being like this, I despise myself. Even a day two days three days passes by, but I still have that in my mind. Stupidity, yes I admit.

Government school have pass all their mock exams and that's like so nice! They only need to wait for SPM now, and for those who got great result, they need not worry about anything, just revise once in a while then you'll get that vacation after Dec 20 (although I finishes on Dec 14 =D, but gonna have my birthday with biology papers, ISSH :C)

IS registration form is closing on Oct 31 but I haven't pass it in yet, maybe by any chance mommy forgot all about it? :P Okay, keep my mouth shut hehehe.

Gonna shorten my post today, going for dinner later with cousins :) and art tuition later after, ciao ♥

这点小伤口 很快就愈合 留下浅浅疤痕 当作纪念多幽默 只是小伤口 那又为什么 随时碰就随时痛

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