Monday, October 4, 2010

They say it's alright to cry


Sometimes I feel like blog is the one place I can be honest and real, where I don't have to weigh my words and worry about what I'm supposed to say and what everyone is going to think and who I'm supposed to be. On blogger, I don't have to smile and pretend I'm fine even though inside I feel like I'm breaking into a thousand tiny fragments too small ever to be put together again.

I cut my front hair shorter yesterday evening and I get comments saying I look like a baby monkey today =.= I never like monkey so I don't think I like my new shorter ping tou then haha. My first experience that whenever I smell food with strong "food smell' I can't help feeling queasy and down go my appetite level argh. I still can eat food but not that obsess like I was last time, finding food to eat every minute (ignore the exaggerating). The point is, when will my appetite come BACK?? :C

Today I did some homework, I think hehe. They're having PMR starting from tomorrow, kinda miss the times when I had my pmr examination, but then I thought I haven't had study much that time either, ugh and there, add even more tension and STRESS to coming-soon-SPM-terror. I think the best was not to think about it hmm.

Everytime I thought I have gotten you far far away from my mind but tears just spoke out. It understands my feelings, I guess, that's why it goes trickling down my cheeks. Gonna need a super duper strong and effective eraser to erase all those traces of you. If only I could find one.

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