A short short trailer :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Open your heart ♥
And I hope you always stay the same :)

Happy Merdeka for today! Another birthday for you, Malaysia, well you get to have loads of people celebrating for you :) It's the first time that I did celebrate this occasion, yesterday at assembly in school. Kinda fun when you had a laugh with friends during the whole process and sang the Jalur Gemilang song with choir's singers and given a flag to play with, miss that flag now HAHA
A public holiday for today, but I keep on have thoughts today's Sunday, maybe i've gotten used to no-holidays-for-spm-sitters plan @.@ watch korean drama for the whole morning then accompany daddy to property fair in the evening, watching those cute little model houses just make me entertained! ;D
It's going in September, lots of nice movies and drama is waiting for me! But don't really have that chance to catch all of it :( Including Love In Disguise, The Last Airbender, Step Up 3 etc.
Coming up, a korean drama I've been awaiting!
Playful Kiss 장난스런 키스 Korean Ver. of It's S
tarted w/ a Kiss

Kim Hyun Joong ♥♥♥
Hope it will be a great drama! ;D
Monday, August 30, 2010
Don't You Ever Say :X
Today's a short short day, which is actually quite long but it passes so fast. Today's activity for PE is football and we get to kick full court. Yet, I'm not feeling quite well, Kiki neither, so we rest at the bench, watching them have their fun :) I talked to her, and she talked to me. It seems like both of us have our own worries.
It's really funny to think that someone would ever stay, just right by your side for nothing.
听见你的脚步声,心都会乱跳;翻着书,看的都是你的脸 ♥
Sunday, August 29, 2010
你不知道我为什么狠下心; 多的是,你不知道的事
Have church and tuition today @.@ didn't quite have my breakfast and lunch or brunch or anything of that, trying to keep my diet! ;) accompany Kiki for her lunch later after that ♥ have a nice little chat hehe ♥
First time to meet again since you've left, you've changed but not much. Still that same old you that I'd remembered :) I thought of those days back then and I smiled to myself, you'll remain in that greatest part of my memory. Wish you all the best in your health, studies and love! You'll live your life out there and I knew it well, you surely would :)
I hope I didn't convey the wrong message to you. Maybe you'll not understand cause I don't understand myself either.
And you may think whatever you thought of, say whatever that's in your mind, do whatever you want to, or even go your way cause that's what most people do. When they're chasing you, you're the world and when they're not, you're just nothing.
Thought of it, I would really need a time machine. To go back to those times to mis-do some of those things that I would truly regret, even until now. When you lose something, that's when you just started to appreciate everything, this is every human's conscience. Even me, you or them.
Maybe going HK this year-end! ♥ excited!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Believe you? Give me proof
No sign of exam papers, no sign of disappointments. Today's a down down day for me, anything happy or exciting would end up getting a cold cold reply of mine. Couldn't help it, but I'm trying my best to smile so it wouldn't seems so emo :X
Have you ever want something so badly? I do, now. But when you couldn't get it even though you beg for it with all of your heart? It's just sad and heartbreaking
Trying to do my physic papers just now, failed though. It's so hard! And I can't get any hints from the textbook :C maybe I'm just not the physic type? Moving on to do my a.maths homework then :)
We're not that kind of best friends like before, so stop acting like you knew me well, because honestly, You Don't.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I just wanna let you know :)
Without you, I still can live happily :)
So much to think about these few days. I don't want to be locked up in the small, cold, dark cage that you build for me since I'm young enough to think. Set me free was what I said hundreds, thousand, even a million times. And what I retrieved was my studies to and fro and that's all about it, now I'm almost done with half part of my studies and then you go on again..my age, my thinkings, my wildness, my everything you can think of.
I admit that I had been dropping out from my results nowadays, but I'm really trying giving my 101% of effort in getting back on track, though it's getting really hard, harder than I could ever imagine. Everyone told me I'm okay but I know my own standards with your requirements, this is not what you would even put in mind, isn't it?
Why do all good things come to an end?
Nice song :))
I open my eyes, it was only just a dream
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Broken Promises :C
慢慢的,我已习惯没有你的每一天 :)
Passed back one more subject, so far so good? But I know the fact that the worst is coming soon :$
Everyday at school is like back to normal, friends &&classmates, classes &&books, homeworks &&chit-chattings etc. I ♥ School Life! :D ..p/s except for that monster-talking, irritating and annoying c.y.y! Oh ya, and the stressness of this year's huge exam--SPM
Since last week, I'm trying my best to concentrate in class. And thanks to my neighbour, Vicky :) she's been helping a lot to have me less talking and much listening in class (happyness!)
But I've been getting really tired these few days, sleeping in class? There's not an option anymore, it has gotten to be a bad habit of mine :( but luckily my dearest neighbour will wake me up too haha, THANKS A LOT ♥
And, please let the best comes around and change me :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Love me or love me not?

Went to play some 心理测验 and tested me with a psychological age of 27! Old 10 years, I guess I'm really that bit of mature inside too =D
After exam, it feels like it's the year-end holidays, started to relax nowadays >.< well still worrying my exam papers! Passed back 3 subjects, failed one. Unexpected, felt kinda sad but oh well could only blame myself for not studying well ='(
Thinking of continuing my studies in Senior 3 or heading to I.S. both aren't in perfect terms, that's why I'm still analysing their pro's and con's @.@ hope someone could guide me and give me some advices (although mommy wanted me to study I.S instead of S3)
I want watch 恋爱通告!!! Everyone in school is practically talking about this movie, and I haven't have a chance to watch it =( gotta find a day within this week hmm...

Monday, August 23, 2010
♥♥♥ this song so much!
The bond is breaking, and it's taking over my spirit quickly, quickly
Something's shifted, have we drifted too far apart now?
If you only knew, why my heart goes through for you?
I'm tryna break through, don't you think it's worth the chance?
Let's leave the past, is that too much to ask?
And where do we stand?
Can we pull through this avalanche? :))
Avalanche - Marie Digby
Friday, August 20, 2010
Every sweet little thing ♥♥
Saw someone's entry just now and it's just too sweet!!

Anyways, today is the last day of our 2nd midterm exam! Relax yet stressful, that means SPM is coming along any sooner from today. How I wish I could turn back the time, I'll appreciate every minutes and every seconds enjoying my perfect lifetime :)
I'm finding it hard, to get everything in my way. Everything is getting out of hand and I can't do anything except nothing. Yet, build your heart strong and face it positively? (stupid sentence HAHA)
过春风十里,候鸟正向东迁移,哼着美丽的曲子。季节过了,冷风飘来,抬头望,一群候鸟又开始展翅归乡了。我们说,他们只不过是人生的一个过客,但,哪天...希望还能听见那幽美的协奏曲 ;)
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