Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Such a sweet song! And happy too :D ♥

I get amnesia
When I'm standin' next to you
He's been with me for several years
I know this much is true
Didn't know it was over
'Til you came on over
And told me that you just, just can't
Forget about me :)

Went out these two days, tired i can say but better than stuck in boredom alone at home :/ you're gonna be back soon and i'll be flying off 14+ hours after, it's not even a day! :'(

anyways, staying alone at home tonight, actually i think i've really gotten used to no-texting-with-you days although still thought about you every moment, yea imy a lot :( continue to watch my korean drama My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox, it really is a touching drama!

Gonna pack my bags now, ciao :)
8 and a half hour till you're back ♥

Friday, November 26, 2010



例如:出生月份为7月,日期为12日,就把7+12=19,再1+9=10,1+0=1 最后1为恋爱态度数字。


你有丰富的幻想力,独立且很有魅力,你的潮流触角敏锐,永远走在时代尖端,对于爱情颇为主动,不会介意女追男不论在哪里你都会成为众人目光的焦点,你那好胜 的性格,引来异性两个极端的反应,很喜欢或很反感。 有时你的占有欲会很强,对朋友或爱侣都颇霸道,你喜欢有智慧和运动型的男性。




你的恋爱态度是感性,浪漫,仁慈,你平易近人,谦虚和圆滑,跟所有人都相处得来,你天生爱好和平,说话很有说服力,因此备爱朋友,同事敬重的爱戴,有时 你会过分敏感,最大的缺点是遇上纷争时,没有足够自信去坚持自己的立场,你最喜欢温柔体贴但不失坚强的男性,当然幽默感亦绝不能缺少,一个喜欢音乐和跳舞 的男人会计得你的欢心。
















你热情,忠厚,温柔体贴的性格,深得同性朋友欢迎,亦吸引到不少好男人,由于你天生喜欢照顾和关心别人,所以很容易堕入一段过分关怀对方的不平衡关系, 这对你来说颇为吃亏,由于你非常重视家庭,所以父母不喜欢你的男子,你也不会接受,你对那些观点跟你不同的人,评价颇为苛刻,你是喜欢俊俏,聪明,有风度 的邻家男孩。




你对恋爱充满诗情画意及神秘感和梦幻感,你文静,保守,不喜欢引人注目,而被你吸引的男性多属这类型,他们特喜欢你独立成熟而带点神秘感的性格,有时你 对朋友和爱侣会较为挑剔,要求很高,你喜欢与众不同的男性,孤独浪子型更深得你的心,不过最理想还是喜欢博学多才的男性。




你对恋爱十分自信,抱着宁缺莫滥的态度,情愿独守空帷,直至有合适的人出现为止。在读书时代你是个勤学的好学生,亦喜欢做学生领袖,由于你性格较刚强好 胜,因此有些男性会有点害怕你,你有时亦会太认真,霸道,且醋意太浓,这对你的恋爱造成一定阻滞,能和你相配的男人,必须英俊,聪明且很受人爱戴,是个锋 头很劲的人。




你成熟,慷慨和体谅别人,想寻找安全感的男人都深被你吸引,想跟你吐心事,息小你已给人安全,能别人的感觉因此你将来会是个好母亲。可是你有时会过分激 动,且喜欢跟人理论,脾气颇为急躁,你喜欢有责任感,衣冠楚楚,有醉人眼睛,体型健硕的男人,当然还须有过人的才智和魅力。




Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ever felt listening to your heart
leads to the wrong decision after all?
I did.
And when it feels like letting go,
I would tell myself
how much i really love you,
to wash away those bad thoughts
that intrude my mind.
Things aren't really going well,
maybe I'm just too sensitive?
Close friends,
they say it's not worth it.
they see things differently than me.
they're just faking their smiles to me.
And for you,
there really is something you've been hiding from me,
something's not right.
I wish I knew what was it.
By that,
I've gotten tired.
Yea, it just won't let me take a rest.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Of all the things I still remember,
Summer's never looked the same.
The years go by and time just seems to fly by,
But the memories remain.

Aww, didn't on blogger since last week (I think :0) But here I am, typing away those alphabetic unspoken words in my mind :D

Next tuesday's the first day of that exam we've been waiting all life long. Bahasa Melayu and Pendidikan Seni Visual. Hmm, not sure if I'll be able to score but all the best to myself hahaha. Special classes for SPM aren't just not working for me, or even more accurately, us. Laughters and chit-chatting just fill the whole class, I guess teachers had already given up at even trying to get our attention. Mostly our concentrating time was when we need to discuss stuffs about next year's :D you know, PINK HOUSE! Lovin' the pinkish ♥

Next year class list was out already today, and it seems that most of us (science classes) still remain in the same class except for ren class of course. Sadly to say that commerce classes has to be shuffle thoroughly :O too cruel.

Got a bit too different these few days, friends were concerned. Different in a good way I think, but they say I'm crazy. Crazy, a little bit too much. And I did smile, smiling to everyone even to myself and to that electronic bar I'm holding whenever a text from him pop out :)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Two roads, but only one way out.


三 二 一 ,我只等这三秒,三秒过后,我还是我。
































《过去的一点一滴 原来什么都不是》

Monday, November 8, 2010

This is my perfect nightmare.

If I wake up tomorrow, will you still be here?

Today all the exam papers were passed back. ALL, practically all and I mean it x_x so well, you can guess how well I've done for my SPM mock by just looking at my face when I got those ugly papers, uh-oh. I could just hope that when the forecast slip come out, by some miracle could somehow get a few A-s. Yeahh, as if miracle would ever happen :C

Done this cute little test, can't really believe there's just a few of my boy side and that much of my girl side :]

[X] You love hoodies.
[X] You love jeans.
[ ] Dogs are better than cats
[ ] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
[ ] You have ever felt that shopping is torture.
[ ] Sad movies suck.
[ ] You own a car racing game currently.
[ ] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid.
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[X] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega before.
[X] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[X] You have watched sports on TV.
[ ] Gory movies are cool. (So not)
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You used to collect hockey cards.
[ ] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[ ] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. (It's fun!)
[ ] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think. (Maybe sometimes :O)
[X] Sports are fun.
[ ] You talk with food in your mouth.
[ ] You sleep with your socks on at night.
[ ] You have fished at least once.
Total: 7/24

[X] You love to shop.
[X] You wear eyeliner.
[X] You wear the color pink.
[X] You go to your mom to talk.
[X] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[X] You like going to the mall. (My home :D)
[X] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[X] You like wearing jewelry.
[X] You cried watching The Notebook.
[X] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[X] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. (This is a sure-sure!)
[X] You don’t like the movie Star Wars. (*yawn*)
[X] You are/were in gymnastics. (Last time but not now)
[X] It takes you around one hour or more to shower, get dressed, and make-up.
[X] You smile a lot more than you should.
[X] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[X] You care about what you look like. (Who doesn't?)
[X] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[X] You like wearing high heel shoes.
[X] You used to play with dolls as little kid. (Barbie! :D)
[ ] You like putting make-up on others.
[ ] You like being the star of everything.
[X] Pink is one of your favorite colors.
Total: 21/24


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Like crazy, I've gotten.
Twisted fate,
had my mind run wildly,
that it never had time to rest.
I miss everything before,
but it's hard to travel back to the past.
Impossible, i believe.

Been watching drama for a whole day yesterday, although it's quite an old one and have watched it before, but still can't manage to hold those tears! Amazed, credits to the director and script writers and actors who joined in to produce such a touching drama :)

《My Girlfriend is A Nine-tailed Fox》 I miss this drama so much! Haven't got the time to finish it since SPM Mock is running through my daily life. Gotta wait until SPM is over, I think :C anyways, heard a song from it which is really nice too!
Love You From Now On by Lee Seung Gi
I found it hard to not love those korean songs which touches one's heart, and putting yourself in that particular situation, it just makes you felt that those MV-s are just genius, hahaha.

Far away
And long ago
Was a tale
My daddy told
To me
He said
Theres of land of fantasy
Theres a prince
Who'll fight for me
Until the end

This isn't how
I thought
It was supposed to be
You were the one
Who I imagined next to me
But sometimes
Love will fell
In the hands
Of the reckless
Cause this is
No fairytale
And I am no princess
No princess

We're living
In the strangest dream
What I don't know
What to believe
Cause when
You said
I'm the one
Who'll fight for you
I'm the one
You'd never lose
That was just pretend


If I am
A prisoner
And fear
Is my captor
And I'll never know
Happily ever after
I'm no Princess
That's just how it is
But now
I'm wiser
Next time
I'll write
My own
Last chapter


Nice demo song, too bad she isn't going to release this in her next album :(
Seems that my post has gotten a bit too long with the lyrics, looking forward to Tat Seng's birthday party later ;D hope to have a great time! Ciao ♥

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's killing me.

I don't know what to say
since of twist of fate
when it all broke down
and the story of us
looks a lot like a tragedy now.

Today's my dearest sister and lovely carmen's birthday! All the best to both of you, live your day and love your life (that's what I'll say ;D). Girls, we're strong in everything, don't let anything go in our way, live the best! Sweet loves ♥ May God bless you


This is looking like a contest, of who can put down everything and go away. But honestly, I hate acting like I dont care when it's actually tearing me up inside. Sick of crying , tired of trying, so yeah, I'm smiling but inside I'm dying. I try not to care, but i still care in the end.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Okay first, stucked at home. Gotten used to it since this year's SPM year. Second, I'm not touching any books. Third, I'm in front of my lovely computer =D how predictable I am hahaha.

This song is sooo touching! :) Shockingly my tears fell while looking at the lyrics, aww ♥

Looking back in the past & thinking,
how we used to be,damn i m i s s y o u.
It sucks when your mind says let go,
but your heart's still holding on :/
Sometimes i avoid you because I don't want to let it slip,
how much I love you

Saturday, October 30, 2010

S [H E] B E [L I E] V E [D]








Pretending that my eyes are itchy when I really can't hold the tears anymore. :C

出发点总是好的 你终于离开了
为我好 这点我懂得
不必再争取了 你不该我的
多给一个理由 一个借口 也是多余的
你的每个拥抱 每个亲吻 全都是冷的
说真的没什么 都几岁了 谁没分手过

我不会 感到挫折 舍不得放手 才烦人
这点小伤口 很快就愈合
留下浅浅疤痕 当做纪念 多幽默
只是小伤口 那又为什么
多给一个理由 一个借口 也是多余的

你的每个拥抱 每个亲吻 全都是冷的
说真的没什么 都几岁了 谁没分手过
我不会 感到挫折 舍不得放手 才烦人
这点小伤口 很快就愈合
留下浅浅疤痕 当做纪念 多幽默
只是小伤口 那又为什么

这点小伤口 多久会愈合
那么疯狂的爱 两败俱伤 多寂寞
只是小伤口 时间包扎我
只是小伤口 时间包扎我
我想念 你给的痛

2PM New Album Released! [ Still 2:00P.M. ]
1 Still
2 I'll Be Back
3 니가 나를 떠나도
4 I Can't
5 I Know
6 Dance2Night
7 I'll Be Back (Club Mix)
2PM so much!! Nichkhun 独爱

SPM Countdown : 20 days // no time to rest!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In ♥ with fairytales :)

I did it! I didn't on my computer for a day and that's yesterday :D To be specific, actually is mommy who forbids me to on it :X

Anyways, had a crazy day yesterday. Not at all crazy, but something crazy took place :) Okay, I'm just awake from my little nap during English lesson, and my 'neighbours' are busily talking about today school finishes early which is 1:50pm (normal:3:30pm). So, I predict that they're just trying to cheat my friend, 'S' so I grinned and said nothing. Then after awhile, 'J' started asking me if I knew this early-finish-school thing and I said with a calm tone: " Today school ends at 3:30pm". Suddenly 'A' who's beside me (who's normally the serious one) told me it's real about school finishes early today, they even showed me that the school gates were open to let cars in and out.

Okay, this is where the part where I started to believe what they said (=.=). I turned here and there to ask more people about this and everyone said, "Yes, it's real." It didn't really affect my transportation actually cause I'll be staying back to study. So I just said, "Ohh." I get a reason of students need to use our classroom for exams tomorrow for our early off, that means we don't have school tomorrow too! Great joy, I thought haha.

1:50pm, bell rang. Almost half of our class is taking their bags and leaving, so I too packed and got my bag and started to leave, when 'J' at the front of the class started shouting, 'my-name, let's go to got-cha office now!'. I was stunned for a minute, then I put down my bottle and the whole class shouted 'Got-cha!', o.m.g. I can't at all describe my feelings then, it's just embarassing, hilarious and stupidity hahaha. Then they started singing birthday song to me, which is still quite far from my real one, but I guess I got a little bit touched because I've never got the chance to have a whole class singing birthday song to me :P
Thanks girls and guys ♥ :)

Ohh! And I think I've gotten a bit darker due to yesterday's strong sunrays! Argh :C I wonder if anything would do a miracle, and to my dark-eye circles please hehe.

Fairytales ♥
Sweet enough,
But they're not going to happen in my life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Gonna use this template for a while, will change a nicer one once I got over with all of this :) Have a little fun with photoshop and ta-daa! Quite comical and funny though hehe.

Today's Rong birthday, although didn't go as planned but it actually turns out to be better! A enjoyable day for him I think, for having lots of friends and even a crowd to celebrate his birthday :) We got him a guitar since he love guitars so much, it's quite touching, I would even cry out if I'm him haha.

I didn't even touch any of my books yesterday although I was VERY free. Argh I hate my lazy habit, it just got control of my mind and activities too :C



Friday, October 15, 2010

Goodbye, My 'almost lover'

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

I guess all I really needed to move on was your one 'goodbye'. Although you didn't say it but I think it's kinda obvious, I received your goodbye and though it still will hurt at the heart sometimes, but I can really do move on now. At least I'm trying :) The crime of missing someone that much, because of this crime, i'm sick of tears. I look at myself in the mirror and wipe away those evil tears, I looked hardly and smiled to myself, I'm just not suit for tears :D

Talked to mommy last night as she was too cautious of my meal intake bla bla. It's a nice talk though, she helped me figured everything out eventually. "Fate, was never easy to control of, they come and go without any intentions, don't hold on too tightly nor let it go that easily. If he's the one, even though how bad you treat him, he still is; if he's not, no matter how in love you were, he's not. God will arrange nicely your life, just believe in Him and all you need is 'Faith'", that was what she told me, tears just go on it's way for this whole conversation. It's for the best I guess, to share and let it go to someone, close to me. Thanks, mommy :) Loves ♥

Had a cheerful day today :D and I did ate my lunch too, cheers! ♥ I'm kinda full but I still took in every spoonful of rice, fat I know, but I prefer happiness hehe. Heart of mine, tears of mine, still remain as Michelle Chung's property and well, let it stay that way :)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Truth Hurts The Most

"I've moved on without you", I tell this hurtful lie to my heart every single moment I thought about you, to keep reminding me to stop rewinding this awful reality in my mind. But it seems that if i entend to erase and forget, i think about it more, and who can I even blame? I guess there's only me, myself and I to blame.

It's the second week from that particular night, although there's no raining scene of this night, I keep get that feeling, a sad one of course. In some way i'm starting to avoid Wednesday, rainy days and 4th recess. Even if a day goes by, even if a month passes by, all of this just seems more realistic than reality. For two continuous day I've been skipping my lunch and dinner and what left me wondering was why wouldn't I feel a teensy bit of hungry. Maybe daddy's not here to make sure my food intake would be a reason, I kinda miss his cookings though because that's when I ate the most ever since this cruel reality had outspoken my life.

In that road i have walked for a while, hesitate and stop my journey ever since. You've come along and walk past me, there you go never turning back. I remain silence because everything was what you called Fate, but mostly because I didn't have that bravery to shout out to you. Even if I do, it wouldn't make any change to reality, would it? Like a fool, I can't just go on my own way. You've got every reason to grab hold of your own happiness, I could only tap on your back and wish you good luck in everything :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goodbye, My Love

OMG this video is so touching! Thought it was quite sweet of the couple at first but cried at the last part of it. Wow when will such guy come into my life? :P (except for the dying part of course)

Stupid appetite starts strikes again, I barely ate any proper meal for today. I despise myself to a point of insanity. For being like this, I despise myself. Even a day two days three days passes by, but I still have that in my mind. Stupidity, yes I admit.

Government school have pass all their mock exams and that's like so nice! They only need to wait for SPM now, and for those who got great result, they need not worry about anything, just revise once in a while then you'll get that vacation after Dec 20 (although I finishes on Dec 14 =D, but gonna have my birthday with biology papers, ISSH :C)

IS registration form is closing on Oct 31 but I haven't pass it in yet, maybe by any chance mommy forgot all about it? :P Okay, keep my mouth shut hehehe.

Gonna shorten my post today, going for dinner later with cousins :) and art tuition later after, ciao ♥

这点小伤口 很快就愈合 留下浅浅疤痕 当作纪念多幽默 只是小伤口 那又为什么 随时碰就随时痛

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Time, please stop.


My heart was tied up so tightly that breathing seems involuntary. Time, I guess that's what I really need after all. But on second thought, maybe I would want it to stop so that I couldn't felt anything, could actually forget everything including you.

Last night while I was about to sleep, I lifted up my hand up and guess what I saw? Blood. They are kinda dried up though. Oh my gawd, shocked enough I check everywhere if I was hurt and no sign of injuries. It was about a few minutes later that I found out I actually coughed blood o_o freak out. No heaty food and lots of water from now on.

I hope I could concentrate on my studies ONLY for these days, to get over with anything related to other than studies. But I realize I couldn't, it's tougher than I'd imagine. I'm worried about my studies but worrying wouldn't do anything better. I knew this, I knew it so clearly that it's adding up to my stressness too. Leave me alone, stress and unbearable pain.

I wonder if I could really accept loving someone again, they say it's a greater way to forget someone by accepting another. I doubt it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I could really use a wish right now :C

Saturday. Moody Saturday. Moody and lazy Saturday. Moody and lazy with nothing to do Saturday. Actually is I prefer not to do anything haha. Just got back from citymall just now, bought A LOT OF snacks and candies for sneak-to-eat during boring lessons :P

It's really weird how your brain will take you from one thought to the next on this strange, uncharted road but no matter where you start out or which part you decided to take you always seem to end up back at the one thing you really don't want to think about :'( 我的眷恋要何时才能收拾干净呢?

Shorter post today, saw something that I really doesn't want to few minutes before. Yeah, I guess I must not mind and pretend not to have saw it. But I already did, and this makes my night sucks even more.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fly to the sky and far away


Tomorrow exam Excel Paper 3 (Esei) Sejarah! Oh no. Read a little and then there I was, in front of this light-emitting-screen of my desktop. Luckily I do have a purpose, writting blog! It started to become my daily activities slowly now, I get thrilled in thinking what to write but then they are the truth of all truths :)

There you go, criticizing people around you again (although you didn't notice they aren't that fond of you or somewhat). Just think of others' feelings before you say anything would you? Feelings could be fragile and easily offended, so if you're not trying to make everyone displease by what you said, just easily keep quiet and oh well, shut.up.

Wow I can't believe I'd actually finished all my homeworks in school! Applause please :P So I guess I deserve to get a little reward by getting away from B.O.O.K.S today :D Oh and plaster on my finger cause I hold on to my pen so hardly I get cuts! Stupid :'(


Just everything I had on my mind, in this simple song.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Something 'bout Love

There's something 'bout love that tears you up;
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
-Something 'Bout Love by David Archuleta

Just finish my tuition. A nice one actually because we did have our laughs and little chit-chat among us five people including the teacher hehe :) But what's worrying me the most is how am I'm going to have my account subject in my exams?? I totally have no idea about it and just let time answers me oh no.

Everyday and every moments and every seconds I need to keep reminding myself. That, I couldn't just hold on, I couldn't just think about, I couldn't just have my mind on, I couldn't just pretend there doesn't have a her, of yours.

Well, I still haven't had my proper dinner or any meal since that day and I wonder if my weight would go down just that bit hmm. Tomorrow daddy will be back from KL and I think he won't let me pass dinner that easily. Oh food, please don't make me suffer :(

明天 以后 爱变成了问候

Because I still love you


最后 我勇敢的爱上你
当时应该很激动 我爱你
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 不让谁靠近
谢谢你 比我先放弃
让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你

我的手心 曾被谁握得好紧
爱 像个卫星 搜寻谁的心
有时谁 太贪心 天使就决定没收 爱情
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 不让谁靠近
谢谢你 比我先放弃
让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 为你~~~
谢谢你 比我先放弃
好让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你
我不曾忘记 我们的 回~忆

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You takes my breath away

Kinda busy yesterday with my cousin and all so i'll be entering my post for yesterday now :)
I bought a full plate of food during 3rd recess and believe me, you can hardly see those rice under them! Hahaha. All thanks to Kiki that keep telling me to take more and more and more :P But at least I shared with her because I'm not in that much of an appetite so no food wasted hehe.

My mommy kept asked me to study IS day after day, and all I can was explain, explain and explain. Maybe it was a sign of wanting me to take on A-Level from God? Because everyday I prayed for a guidance from Him although I'm not sure I've got it or not.

I was resting my mind (or else sleeping) during English lesson today when suddenly rain pours down so heavily that all of my classmates hailed and shouted (cause of the heavy rain i think) which make me woke and look out through the window. I saw, blurry scene. Blurry cause of the quick and down-pouring rain. The sky seems grey, grey enough to make my life seems grey too.

相见却不见,想打招呼却低下头,想笑却笑不出,只好擦肩而过。I guess you didn't really mind anyways, there's someone you'd more keen on meeting and say hi, or even have a nice chat with her. It's the 4th recess, I did my friend a favor by helping them to buy food. But I made my way fast, went and back, because I couldn't really bear seeing you with her again.

Our precious memories are really like dreams.

Monday, October 4, 2010

They say it's alright to cry


Sometimes I feel like blog is the one place I can be honest and real, where I don't have to weigh my words and worry about what I'm supposed to say and what everyone is going to think and who I'm supposed to be. On blogger, I don't have to smile and pretend I'm fine even though inside I feel like I'm breaking into a thousand tiny fragments too small ever to be put together again.

I cut my front hair shorter yesterday evening and I get comments saying I look like a baby monkey today =.= I never like monkey so I don't think I like my new shorter ping tou then haha. My first experience that whenever I smell food with strong "food smell' I can't help feeling queasy and down go my appetite level argh. I still can eat food but not that obsess like I was last time, finding food to eat every minute (ignore the exaggerating). The point is, when will my appetite come BACK?? :C

Today I did some homework, I think hehe. They're having PMR starting from tomorrow, kinda miss the times when I had my pmr examination, but then I thought I haven't had study much that time either, ugh and there, add even more tension and STRESS to coming-soon-SPM-terror. I think the best was not to think about it hmm.

Everytime I thought I have gotten you far far away from my mind but tears just spoke out. It understands my feelings, I guess, that's why it goes trickling down my cheeks. Gonna need a super duper strong and effective eraser to erase all those traces of you. If only I could find one.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things I Never Knew

These few days I run through my thoughts and I found out these things.

I never knew insomnia would prolong for me because I've learnt to sleep whenever I'm in bad mood mode; I never knew why singers sang sentimental songs like it's the end of the world but now I knew; I never realize why sleeping is the best way to pass my time (maybe because I can dream?) but then I hate it when I woke up because that's when the reality speaks up; I never knew you are the first one I thought about whenever I open my eyes from my wake; I never knew thinking about you would bring tears in my eyes; I never knew looking back at your text messages and memories would be so heartbreaking; I never knew moving on needs a lot of courage; I never knew getting over you would seems so impossible; I never knew reminding myself to forget about you would be so hurtful; I never knew loving you would mean giving you up; I never knew waiting would be a waste of time for someone you love; I never knew changing heart would seem so easy to you but not to me; I never knew disappointment bring loneliness; I never knew laughing would be so tiring, smiling would feel so forceful; I never knew you would be the reason for me to stay or leave; I never knew I could thought of all these "I Never Knew" things; I never knew proving myself wrong about all these would be so hard because these are the uncovered truths; I never knew if I can even believe in love now.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The sun grew dark with mystery

Today, another school day. Got shocked when my science teacher asked me how was I. Sorry teacher, I didn't meant to make you worry, thank you for your concern and I'll concentrate in your class from now on :) Not having proper meals since few days ago, but suprisingly I don't feel hungry at all. But then I realize that hunger couldn't compare the pain my heart bear. Hope I'll get hungry soon because that's when I fully recovered! ;D

Should be studying at this moment, but still feeling lack of something, feeling empty so that's why I turned on the computer and write a blog hehe. Thank you blogger!

Let the hurtful memories scrape away, left with me are nice and touching memories.
抱歉让你们担心了 :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gotta go my own way

Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up and I watched them fall everytime
You've find your place and that's the best for you
It's just too hard to watch it all slowly fade away
I've gotta move on and be who I am

To stay or not to stay? Made up my mind since last month that I'll stay for a year but something's bothering me, slowly changing my mind, leaving is not such a bad idea at all. But then, I would be so unwillingly to part with all my friends and all. Hurtful decision, but the best way to have you out of my mind. I'll leave (maybe?) but I'll miss you.

What a slow slow day. Classes and tuitions all crashes in today. And moodless emotions takes place. You'll never saw the tears I shed for you, but only the smile I forced myself to smile out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



因为爱你,所以放手还你自由; 因为爱你,所以不再让你困扰; 因为爱你,所以我宁愿自己难过, 因为爱你,所以我逼自己离开。 是否我沉默了,你才能听到我的心声? 是否我停止了,你才能看到我的眼泪? 是否我心粹了,你才会摸到我的心痛? 是否我消失了,你才会知道我的存在? 因为你,我打开了心房。 因为你,我给了彼此一次机会。因为你,我开始有了思念。 因为你,我有被疼爱的感觉。 也因为你,我再度掉下眼泪。 香烟看上火柴就注定被伤害。 不要轻易说爱,许下承偌就是欠下的债。


Where are you now?

Because of you I ache, because of you I am a crying person.

Doing homework while blogging now, can't get my eyes off the desktop, can't get my hands off the mouse, can't get my mind off you.

Today, I learnt that faker could really get more and more disgusting and annoying. First you point out that one's fake and then here you are, going through the same things they've done but in a different way. If that's call fake, would you admit that you're one too? Please, analyse yourself before you criticize people.

A lazy day, didn't did much work in class, just ad maths I think ;P ohh if talking is considered, then that too hahaha.

SPM countdown : 54 days, waiting.

It's so strange, tears flow even though I laugh, just like a fool. You still live in my heart, am I in your heart too?



一 你经常看他/她的空间。

二 当你和他/她打电话后,你会看下通话时间。


四 你和他/她一起走路的时候,走得很慢很慢。

五 他/她在你周围的时候,你会故意装作不在乎他/她,但当他/她离开的时候你会着急的找他/她。

六 当你想到他的时候,你的心跳一会跳得快,一会跳得慢。

七 你听到他/她的声音的时候会笑。

八 当你和他/她在一起的时候,你看不见周围的所有人,你的眼中只有他/她。

九 当你想到他/她的时候,你会听抒情的慢歌。

十 你看到他/开心的时候,你会不自觉的扬起一丝微笑。

十一 你闻到他/她的气味就很兴奋。

十三 你意识到当你看着他/她的时候,你就在内心盘算和他/她说什么,很紧张。

十四 为了见到他/她,你会为他/她做任何事。

十五 当你读这篇文章的时候,有个人一直在你的脑中浮现。

十六 你不停的想他/她,以至于你都没有发现这里没有第十二条。

十七 你翻上去找第十二条,然后默默地笑自己....

许个愿吧,你想....着他 :)