Thursday, September 30, 2010
Gotta go my own way
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
因为爱你,所以放手还你自由; 因为爱你,所以不再让你困扰; 因为爱你,所以我宁愿自己难过, 因为爱你,所以我逼自己离开。 是否我沉默了,你才能听到我的心声? 是否我停止了,你才能看到我的眼泪? 是否我心粹了,你才会摸到我的心痛? 是否我消失了,你才会知道我的存在? 因为你,我打开了心房。 因为你,我给了彼此一次机会。因为你,我开始有了思念。 因为你,我有被疼爱的感觉。 也因为你,我再度掉下眼泪。 香烟看上火柴就注定被伤害。 不要轻易说爱,许下承偌就是欠下的债。
Where are you now?
一 你经常看他/她的空间。
二 当你和他/她打电话后,你会看下通话时间。
四 你和他/她一起走路的时候,走得很慢很慢。
五 他/她在你周围的时候,你会故意装作不在乎他/她,但当他/她离开的时候你会着急的找他/她。
六 当你想到他的时候,你的心跳一会跳得快,一会跳得慢。
七 你听到他/她的声音的时候会笑。
八 当你和他/她在一起的时候,你看不见周围的所有人,你的眼中只有他/她。
九 当你想到他/她的时候,你会听抒情的慢歌。
十 你看到他/开心的时候,你会不自觉的扬起一丝微笑。
十一 你闻到他/她的气味就很兴奋。
十三 你意识到当你看着他/她的时候,你就在内心盘算和他/她说什么,很紧张。
十四 为了见到他/她,你会为他/她做任何事。
十五 当你读这篇文章的时候,有个人一直在你的脑中浮现。
十六 你不停的想他/她,以至于你都没有发现这里没有第十二条。
十七 你翻上去找第十二条,然后默默地笑自己....
许个愿吧,你想....着他 :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Please come back to me
Friday, September 24, 2010
Take my hand ♥

- 十八般武艺
- 歌手姓名:王力宏
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
100 Truths :)
1. Full name : Michelle Chung Chien Yin
2. Nickname(s): Michelle =)
3. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary: St. James
6. Middle School: STTSS
7. High School: STTSS
8. Hair color: Black.
9. Long or short : Long i think =D
10. Loud or Quiet: Loud :X
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans!
12. Phone or Camera: Phone ♥
13. Health freak: Healthy but not a freak.
14. Drink or Smoke: Nah none of both :)
15. Do you have a crush on someone?: Sure
16. Eat or Drink: Eat of course!
17. Piercings: Ears.
18. Tattoos: NO.
19. Been in an airplane: Yeah :)
20. Been on a motorcycle: Nop.
21. Been in a car accident: Nop.
22. Been in a first fight: Nop.
23. First piercing: 3 years old haha.
24. First best friend: Michele Hii :)
25. First award: Singing competition (?)
26. First crush: OMG secret :X
28. First big vacation: Australia ♥
29. Last person you talked to: Mom.
30. Last person you texted: Jon Jon ;D
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Anderson
33. Last movie you watched: Piranha :0
34. Last song you listened to: Double Vision - 3OH!3
35. Last thing you bought: Food?
36. Last person you held hands with: Kiki haha.
37. Food: How about asking food i dislikes?
38. Drinks: Yeo's Yogurt Drink! Ohh and Vitasoy ;D
39. Clothing: Dresses ♥♥
40. Books: Fictions :)
41. Music: Every songs that is nice!
42. Flower: Rose? Hmm.
45. Positions: What does that even mean??
46. Subjects: Languages :)
IN 2010.....
47. kissed in the snow: Would like to see that for even once :)
48. celebrated Halloween: Never.
49. had your heart broken: In Mac or April i think :)
50. went over the minutes on your cell phone: Sure haha.
51. someone questioned your sexual orientation: Nah.
52. came out of the closet: Why would i even go inside o_o
53. gotten pregnant: No.
54. had an abortion: Surely not.
55. done something you've regretted: I think so.
56. broke a promise: Maybe?
57. hid a secret: Yup.
58. pretended to be happy: Yaya.
59. met someone who changed your life: Ya?
60. pretended to be sick: Nop.
61. left the country: Nop.
62. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yep :)
63. cried over the silliest thing: uh huh.
64. ran a mile: Yup.
65. went to the beach with your best friend: Yes 31.7 2010 ♥
66. stay single the whole year: Thinking about that :)
68. Drinking: Plain water?
69. I'm about to reply: Huh?
70. Listening to: Secret-One Republic
71. Plans for today: Going for art tuition later.
72. Waiting for: Your text message :)
73. Want kids: Yeah :)
74. Want to get married: Surely haha.
75. Careers in mind: Thinking.
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
77. Shorter or taller?: Stay the same?
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic!
79. funny or hot: Both hahaha.
80. Sensitive or loud: I prefer loud then :X
81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship :)
82. Trouble-maker or hesitant: None of the above ;P
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Nop.
84. Ran away from home: Surely not!
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Never.
86. Killed somebody: Nolah.
87. Broken someone's heart: Yeahh :(
88. Been arrested: Nop.
89. Cried when someone died: Ya
90. Yourself: I don't think so.
91. Miracles: Not this too.
92. Love at first sight: Just so wrong.
93. Heaven: Ohh yea :)
94. Santa Claus: Perhaps?
95. Sex on the first date: o_o impossible!
96. Kiss on the first date: No thank you haha.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yup :)
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
99. Do you believe in God? Sure!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag at least 16 people: There's no tag system in blogger oops.
Friday, September 10, 2010
A little too not over you :O
Thursday, September 9, 2010
➹ηστhíηg Gοηηα chαηgε mγ ιονε fοr γου
Monday, September 6, 2010
Holiday Starts!
(A short version)
You, Me
We're face to face but don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain
You can drive me insane
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
We're like different stars
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
-Camp Rock 2
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday :)