Monday, June 28, 2010

It'll All Be A Dream


Art assignment is due next week, and although it seems like i have quite a start but actually i don't. I have tons of things to do still but that laziness, I just can't get over with it hmm.

Been having headache today, even the simplest favor my friend ask for, i have rejected it, not purposely wanted to make her down or what, my head just go blank all the time and hurt so much. Argh.

What a bad way to start a new school life, not concentrating in class (maybe just half concentrating =X), piling up my tuition homeworks, talking with friends (gossiping?) and that hateful headache just added up how ruined my hardworking, fully-concentrate school days went by. It just went down the hills, rolling and stumbling.

You know the times when you're expecting someone's text but it came out to be a Digi update messages? Well, I'll tell you, it sucks. I can feel that disappointment really make the worst out of me, my eyes were watery by then, but what can I hope for? All I can do is just wait and wait. Just realize how stupid one can be, and I found out I'm one of that stupid one too.

They say music express your feelings, I totally agree, no objection. But recently it's gotten into me, I started to feel inside particular songs, how the song goes that's how my heart and feelings went. Thanks to them for accompanying me through times, when I needed no one but a slight bit of comfort. Even now, too.


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